Posted 02.03.02
- Applied
- Unix
Computer Security Checklist
AUSCERT, Australian Computer Emergency Response Team; 1995; ASCII Text;
89k A comprehensive checklist for securing your Unix box.
- Packets
Found on an Internet
Bellovin, Steven M.; 1993; GZip'd Postscript; 32k A very interesting
paper describing the various attacks, probes, and miscellaneous packets
floating past AT&T Bell Labs' net connection.
- Security
Problems in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Bellovin, Steven M.; 1989; GZip'd Postscript; 10k A broad overview
of problems within TCP/IP itself, as well as many common application layer
protocols which rely on TCP/IP.
- There
Be Dragons
Bellovin, Steven M.; 1992; GZip'd Postscript; 58k Another Bellovin
paper discussing the various attacks made on
This paper is also the source for this page's title.
- An
Advanced 4.3BSD IPC Tutorial
Berkeley CSRG; date unknown; GZip'd Postscript; 60k This paper
describes the IPC facilities new to 4.3BSD. It was written by the CSRG
as a supplement to the manpages.
Tracing by Passive Network Monitoring
Blaze, Matt; 1992; ASCII Text Blaze, now famous for cracking the
Clipper chip while at Bell Labs, wrote this paper while he was a PhD candidate
at Princeton.
- Network
(In)Security Through IP Packet Filtering
Chapman, D. Brent; 1992; GZip'd Postscript; 46k Why packet filtering
is a difficult to use and not always secure method of securing a network.
- An
Evening with Berferd
Cheswick, Bill; 1991; GZip'd Postscript; 32k A cracker from Norway
is "lured, endured, and studied."
- Improving
the Security of your Unix System
Curry, David, SRI International; 1990; GZip'd Postscript; 99k This
is the somewhat well known SRI Report on Unix Security. It's a good solid
starting place for securing a Unix box.
- With
Microscope & Tweezers
Eichin & Rochlis; 1989; GZip'd Postscript.gz; 99k An analysis
of the Morris Internet Worm of 1988 from MIT's perspective.
- The
COPS Security Checker System
Farmer & Spafford; 1994; GZip'd Postscript; 45k The original
Usenix paper from 1990 republished by CERT in 1994.
and Robbers
Farmer, Dan; 1991; ASCII Text This paper discusses a bit of general
security and then goes into detail regarding Unix system misconfigurations,
specifically ones that COPS checks for.
- Improving
The Security of Your System by Breaking Into It
Farmer & Venema; date unknown; HTML An excellent text by Dan
Farmer and Wietse Venema. If you haven't read this before, here's your
- A
Unix Network Protocol Security Study: NIS
Hess, Safford, & Pooch; date unknown; GZip'd Postscipt; 20k
Outlines NIS and its design faults regarding security.
- A
Simple Active Attack Against TCP
Joncheray, Laurent; 1995; GZip'd Postscript; 90k This paper describes
an active attack against TCP which allows re-direction (hijacking) of
the TCP stream.
- Foiling
the Cracker
Klein, Daniel; GZip'd Postscript; 38k A Survey of, and Improvements
to, Password Security. Basically a treatise on how to select proper passwords.
- A
Weakness in the 4.2BSD Unix TCP/IP Software
Morris, Robert T; 1985; GZip'd Postscript; 10k This paper describes
the much ballyhooed method by which one may forge packets with TCP/IP.
Morris wrote this in 1985. It only took the media 10 years to make a stink
about it!
- Covering
Your Tracks
Phrack Vol. 4, Issue #43; GZip'd Postscript; 16k A Phrack article
describing the unix system logs and how it is possible to reduce the footprint
and visibility of unauthorized access.
- Cracking
Shadowed Password Files
Phrack Vol. 5 Issue #46 GZip'd Postscript; 19k A Phrack article
describing how to use the system call password function to bypass the
shadow password file.
- Thinking
About Firewalls
Ranum, Marcus; Gzip'd Postscript; 30k A general overview of firewalls,
with tips on how to select one to meet your needs.
- An
Introduction to Internet Firewalls
Wack & Carnahan for NIST; Gzip'd Postscript; 600k This is a
special publication of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
which provides a solid introduction to firewalls concepts and uses.
Venema, Wietse; Gzip'd Postscript; 13k Wietse's paper describing
his TCP Wrapper concept, the basis for the TCP Wrappers security and logging
- Safe
Internet Programming: Publications
- Installation
of the TIS Firewall Toolkit on Linux
- Security-Papers
- The Hacker
Crackdown by Bruce Sterling
- O'Reilly
Security Book info
- PGP:
Source Code and Internals by Phil Zimmermann
- The
Official PGP User's Guide by Phil Zimmermann
- Cryptography
Theory and Practice
- Wietse's
tools and papers