The DHS now wants all 10 digits for foreign arrivals. Two fingerprints are apparently not sufficient anymore. Not too long until the probings begin I guess.


From the NY Times:

“This felt like, What else do you want from me?” Mr. Docx continued. “Pretty soon it’ll be a full naked body scan, with my irises and my DNA profile. It makes the honest visitor to America, of which 99.9999 percent coming through here are, feel unwelcome so you guys can catch the 0.0001 percent of people who are a problem.”

Mr. Docx and Mr. Hughes were among the first foreign travelers to undergo the Department of Homeland Security’s new 10-finger screening process, unveiled for the news media on Tuesday.

The system is being tested at nine other major airports in the United States and has been under some form of testing since 2004. It will be reviewed for final approval in December.

The previous Homeland Security system involved the recording of only the left and right index fingers.

If the new system passes muster, it will eventually be introduced almost everywhere there is a Customs officer — some 311 land, air and sea entry points, including those along the Mexico and Canada borders where visitors enter on foot or by automobile.

Officials said that the system would apply to the 80 percent of foreign nationals who are required to carry visas and are between the ages of 14 and 79. Diplomats and a few others are exempt.

I’m all for catching the bad guys. But I have to wonder, at what cost?

Article Link


  1. Well.. every American ever arrested gets the 10-finger treatment. I was picked up for a traffic violation once during a ‘catch and release program’ and processed in a road-side mobile unit. And yes, I too was subjected to this horrible 10-finger method….

    Somehow, I survived 😉

  2. @jj

    Ha! Sorry about your luck on the traffic stop. But, from the perspective of tourists entering the US it is a little unnerving to have that kind of treatment. After all they have gone through the process to secure their passports. Yes, there are bad guys out there. And where there is a will they will find a way. But, in all fairness when is it enough? Are DNA samples next? That might seem on the face of it that I’m being dramatic. However, not that long ago it was unthinkable to expect fingerprints of travelers.

  3. Does anyone know if you have any right to refuse this? I’ve been searching for hours and haven’t been able to find anything. I find it hard to believe that this is legal, and mandatory, then again, this id the US.

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