Well damn. Yahoo! has announced that starting in May 2007 Yahoo Mail will be offering it’s subscribers unlimited storage. Now, that is rather cool.

We’re psyched to be breaking new ground in the digital storage frontier by giving our users the freedom to never worry about deleting old messages again. And, like any responsible webmail service, we have anti-abuse limits in place to protect our users. BTW: As much as we’d like to just flip a switch and “unlimit” everyone on the same day, we’ll be rolling this out over a few months to facilitate a smooth transition — we know there’s virtually nothing more precious than your inbox.

A responsible approach. It will be interesting to see how Google responds to this news. I have accounts on both services and I’m still leaning more towards the Gmail offering but, unlimited storage could potentially sway me in the other direction.

But, then I’m reminded of the Chinese dissident languishing in jail due to the actions of Yahoo. Kinda takes the shine off the announcement.

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[tags]Unlimited Email Storage, Yahoo Mail, Email, Webmail, China[/tags]


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