A Swampscott, Mass., high school student was badly burned and temporarily blinded after a homemade bomb made with a mixture of alcohol and chlorine exploded.
Jaren Richard, 15, and some friends made the mixture using instructions they found on the Internet, WHDV-TV, Boston, reported Friday. When they placed a cap on the bottle it exploded, spraying the mixture on the teenager. His friends immediately washed the boy’s eyes out with a hose.
This kid is the epitome of a dumb ass. There was a piece that was just run on CNN about this incident and they liberally inserted YouTube. The inference that YouTube is the root of this problem. This is where I have to cry foul. Where was this kids parents? This is akin to the (older) blaming of heavy metal music for the ills of teenagers. The media is looking for monsters on the internet when the real culprit (in this case) is in the home. It seems apparent that this kid never received the “fire bad” talk from his folks.
I’m sorry that this kid was injured, I am. But, this is the perfect example of Darwinism at it’s finest.
[tags]YouTube, Chlorine, Teenager Hurt, Darwin, Dangerous Stunt[/tags]