OK, not sure how I feel about this one. Feedburner, the excellent provider of our feed and advertising program, has been purchased by Google. I am a fan of many things that Google does but, the Google Ads has not been among them. With the Feedburner service I have had the ability to pick and choose what content is selected and how it gets delivered. From the LA Times article:
Although FeedBurner is a small company with just 30 employees, the buzz about its service has been steadily building as it helped distribute ads through the rapidly expanding universe of bloggers, podcasters and other sites that send out headlines and links through Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, feeds.
I hope this doesn’t upset the apple cart. Congrats to the folks at Feedburner. I just hope that this works out for the bloggers as well. From the FeedBurner site on monetary models (CPM v CPC):
Q. Will the feed-based ads continue to be sold on a purely (cost per thousand) CPM basis, or will they be sold on a (cost per click) CPC basis like most AdWords ads?
A. As this is a recent acquisition, it is too early to say what the ads pricing will look like. We will explore a variety of options to determine what is best for our users, advertisers, and publishers.
And as for the integration with Google…
Q. What does this mean for FeedBurner’s partners, advertisers, and users?
A: We are excited to continue offering FeedBurner’s exceptional tools to content creators throughout the world, and our teams will work together to improve the experiences of feed users, advertisers, and publishers. Users can continue to sign up for FeedBurner’s services and take advantage of their feed tools and features immediately, and advertisers can continue to leverage FeedBurner’s media network to achieve their marketing objectives.
I’m feeling a little nervous. I sincerely hope that my worries here are unfounded.
[tags]Google M&A, Google, FeedBurner, Advertising, Google Buys FeedBurner[/tags]