Good morning everyone. Thanks to our 23 new subscribers that joined us yesterday! I’m off to check out the Infosecurity Canada conference this morning. I’ll be updating live if possible but, I’m not holding my breath for an open wireless connection. Stay tuned.

And now, the news…

  1. Yahoo stockholders vote against anticensorship proposal
  2. Websense Marries DLP and Web Intelligence
  3. Embedded problems: exploiting NULL pointer dereferences
  4. AT&T to target pirated content
  5. Security intrusion defence in the era of Windows Vista
  6. Personal data on 17,000 Pfizer employees exposed; P2P app blamed
  7. YouTube tests video fingerprints
  8. EBay Patent Ruling Is Delayed

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, YouTube, Ebay Patent, ATT, Intrusion Defence, Pfizer Data Breach[/tags]

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