Friday has arrived at last. Actually, in all honesty this week has blown past for your truly. Thanks to those of you who wrote in yesterday. I will attempt to respond later today. I’m pleased to announce that we added another 15 subscribers yesterday! Thanks for signing up!

And now, the news…

  1. House Approves Anti-Caller ID Spoofing Bill
  2. Symantec Moves into Risk Consulting
  3. NATO, US gear up for cyberpunk warfare
  4. Converged security pays dividends
  5. Safari 3.0 Install Snafu Cripples Some Macs
  6. China seeking cyber edge – US
  7. EFF Urges Judge to Require the FBI to Release Surveillance Abuse Records
  8. Linux plots counterattack on Microsoft
  9. Internet pharmacies often break the law

[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, China Cyberwar, Internet Pharmacies, FBI, EFF, Symantec, Risk Consulting, Safari[/tags]

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