Back to the grind. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Thanks to those of you who signed up for the RSS feed over the weekend. Welcome!

  1. Russian trouble makers find Quicken backdoor
  2. Suspected mobile phone virus author arrested
  3. Microsoft sues more alleged Hotmail spammers
  4. Job website’s data bungle
  5. DeepSight HoneyNet Detects Obfuscated Attacks for MS07-033
  6. Google To Acquire GrandCentral
  7. Opera Software reshuffles after struggle
  8. The bots are back – beware of worms

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Botnets, MS07-033 Exploit, Google Buys Grandcentral, Opera Struggles, Data Leakage, Quicken Vulnerability[/tags]

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