Welcome back. Well, some of you have noticed the the email link on the site for “Ben” so, here goes. I would like take a moment to introduce our newest writer here at Liquidmatrix, Ben Blakely. Ben has worked as a security wonk in the Telecom space for quite a while and is quite the Asterisk junkie. Ben will be bringing more a technical perspective to the site as Myrcurial and I drift further into the world of the “suits”. I hope you enjoy. Welcome Ben!

And now, the news…

  1. Bush on cyber war: ‘a subject I can learn a lot about’ (I’m laughing/crying right now)
  2. Power supply still a vexation for the NSA
  3. Secret Service operations hit ID, credit card theft rings
  4. Voltage secures patents on identity-based encryption
  5. Veracode system tests app security (cool company)
  6. “Dirty Duo” found guility of operating sexually explicit spam business
  7. Insurgents Muster Their Forces Online
  8. Blocking spoofed internal email from external sources
  9. Google threatens to drop Gmail in Germany
  10. How cybercrooks get under your skin

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Privacy, Crypto, Bush on Cyber War, NSA Power Problems, Spam[/tags]

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