Been a crazy day here on the rock pile. Thanks Just a couple more sleeps until Black Hat/Defcon. I can’t wait. I need the sanity break.

And now, the (afternoon) news…

  1. BIND Updates Available
  2. Power outage shuts down websites
  3. Web-borne security threats soar
  4. FERC proposes adoption of new reliability standards for cyber security in the bulk power system
  5. Mozilla confirms own URL handling bug
  6. Chinese pirates busted with $500 million of software (a bullet in the head then?)
  7. Pwnie Awards: Recognize Your Peers
  8. Congress: P2P networks harm national security (your tax dollars at work)
  9. CTIA blasts Google spectrum pitch
  10. AT&T suffers iPhone setback
  11. Joost Says They Have 1 million Beta Users; Launch By Year End (we’re beta testers…and loving this app)

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[tags]News, Daily Links, Security Blog, Information Security, BIND, P2P, Joost, Chinese Pirates, FERC, Mozilla Flaw, Power Failure[/tags]

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