OK, let’s be honest here. If you are reading this then more than likely you have some bootleg MP3s or movies somewhere on your hard drive. No need to get paranoid. I’m just saying. I don’t simply by virtue of the fact that I used to work for a record company. And yes, they’re no saints. But, the if you occasionally download from limewire, bittorrent or what have you that’s nothing. It pales in comparison to the average South Korean internet user.
They’re in deep.
From Yahoo News:
Nearly half the Internet users in South Korea — one of the world’s most wired nations — illegally download a full-length movie a week, according to a survey released Tuesday.
The poll of 2,358 people, aged from 15 to 49, showed 47.3 percent had downloaded feature films through file-sharing sites by paying nothing or less than 100 won (11 cents) per film during the past year.
They must have some seriously fat hard drives.
[tags]Movie Piracy, Movie Downloads, Internet Piracy, South Korean Internet Users[/tags]