
More good news on the interweb safety education front. This time from Google. They have posted an online safety guide for families.


In an attempt to teach parents how to keep their children safe online and help them make the best decisions when confronted with privacy and safety issues, Google on Tuesday launched a new resource called Family Safety Guide to take a more proactive role in child safety.

According to Google, it has realised that children are not nearly as safe online as they should be and has introduced the Family Safety Guide to educate parents on the safety tools Google already offers and give some basic ideas on how to make web browsing a bit safer.

“When it comes to child safety,” Google wrote in the Family Safety Guide, “we aim to empower parents with tools to help them choose what content their children see online; educate children on how to stay safe online and protect children through partnerships with law enforcement and industry.”

Nicely done.

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  1. This is really important as we need all we can get to teach both children and parents how to be safe on the internet. I know that every time I see my 5 year old cousin or 2.5 year old cousin on the computer browsing I have to cringe thinking about how many crazy sites there are out there that are probably at and just waiting for that typo or someone to stumble on.

    I hope that Google and all the other search companies and tech companies out there take more of a focus on keeping children a little bit safer online.

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