Oh for the love $deity. Are you kidding me? I find this a painful story in the level of insult that is visited upon the collective us. TSA screeners are apparently, by policy no less, allowed to bypass screening themselves. Glad to see they’re keeping their eye on the important problems.
From 9NEWS.com Denver:
The new policy says screeners can arrive for work and walk behind security lines without any of their belongings examined or X-rayed.
“Lunch or a bomb, you can walk right through with it,” said Mike Boyd, an aviation consultant in Evergreen. “This is a major security issue.”
At DIA, 9NEWS videotaped a dozen TSA screeners walk through a side gate and enter the sterile area of the airport carrying backpacks, purses and lunch boxes. Nothing was screened.
Sources tell 9Wants to Know, the reason for the security change may be tied to the new uniforms and badges.
And what might that tie in be? Well…because the new metal badges set off the metal detectors. Ah, but wait, there’s more.
The TSA says its employees have background checks before they are hired. TSA policy says employees are supposed to report any other arrest, including an alcohol related arrest, within 24 hours or, due to circumstances beyond their control, as soon as possible after that.
And we all know that no one could be so devious as to steal another’s identity.
My brain is all melty at the moment.
Article Link (via ComputerWorld)