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This great posting showed up on Ars Technica a couple days ago. Mail Goggles is an add-on that is designed to save you from yourself should you find yourself in front of a computer at 3 am and decide, via fuzzy wobbly brown pop logic, that now would be a great time to answer emails. This add-on for gmail will do a WORLD of good for some of my friends.

From Ars Technica:

How many times have you stumbled home after a long night out with friends, only to plop down in front of the computer and start sending e-mails that you would wake up regretting the next day? OK, maybe some of our older readers in the crowd have never moved beyond “drunk dialing,” but many of us are probably more familiar with the embarrassing phenomenon, a technological evolution of the drunk dial.

This is a great tool because before you can send out emails in an altered state you have to tackle some mental gymnastics.

If you have Mail Goggles installed—which you can do by going to the “Labs” tab under your Gmail settings and turning them on—it will force you to answer a series of math questions before sending out any new messages.

Bloody brilliant.

Thankfully those days are behind me now.

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