It's been an interesting couple of weeks for Tiffany Rad and I as we've watched the story around the US Department of Justice and encryption…
SO.... Um, she's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who…
It's that time of year again folks... The countdown is on... It's VEGAS time bay-bee!!! The Liquidmatrix crew will be out in full force this…
Just a quick little post while I work on other SEEKRIT—PROJEKTS... Troy Hunt has put together a quick review of the state of password policies…
Hey folks, it's that kind of week again... A nice upstanding Information Security Professionals' get together, followed by a bunch of hackers doing their thing.…
It's March 24 and that makes this Lady Ada Day - a day to celebrate women in computing and the incredible contributions they've made (despite…
In the continuing saga of posts while Dave's away... Here's Dave (with Net Sec Podcasters Martin and Rich) at RSA - have to say he…
It's been a while since I've put a post up here at ye olde bloge and despite the recommendation of many, I think it's time…
Hey everyone - just wanted to report in from the late night here at Hacking At Random 2009. It's been a whirlwind day - started…
Hey there everyone... It can be surmised that it took me until today to actually recover from a week in Vegas, and you wouldn't be…