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Bell Canada To Carry New 4G iPhones?

In a weird moment on my train ride home this evening I saw something from the future.


It was odd. As I got up to get ready to get off at my stop I noticed a gent sitting just to my right with his feet propped on the stairs. What caused me to take notice was the black MacBook he was using.

Hmm, just like mine.

Then I noticed what was on his screen. He was writing copy for a Bell Canada advertising campaign. Nothing overly exciting. That is, until he hit F9 on his keyboard and brought a graphic into focus. It was an iPhone ad for Bell Canada that is apparently scheduled for Q4.


Sure enough, there it was. As I knew that I’d not be believed I snapped a pic. Sadly, the screen is washed out. But, from conversations with our own James Arlen it appears that Bell and Telus have been ramping up for 4G in a hurry and the new device might make an appearance on Verizon as well.

Not sure if this is in fact the case but, I do know that I saw it on his screen. Should really make things interesting in the Canadian mobile market. Might actual have *gasp* competition. Damn three year lock in.

And for those of you travelling on trains, planes and automobiles buses, please use caution when you open your laptops. Be aware of your surroumdings. Get a bloody privacy screen for your laptops and FOR $DEITY SAKE DON’T PUT YOUR PASSWORD ON A POST-IT NOTE ON THE LID!

/rant off

[tags]Bell iPhone, iPhone 4G, iPhone 4G Canada[/tags]

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