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Blackberry Ban For French Elite

Today on “How Paranoid Are You?” watch contestants as they compete against each other to see how freaky paranoid they can get! Be sure to catch the schizo round where the prizes really rack up.


From the BBC:

French government officials have been ordered not to use handheld Blackberry devices amid fears that foreigners could spy on them, reports say.

Workers in the French president’s and prime minister’s office have been told their e-mails risk falling into foreign hands, Le Monde newspaper reports.

France’s SGDN security service is worried because Blackberries use US- and UK-based servers, the paper says.

But some officials are flouting the ban and using them in secret, it adds.

“They tried to offer us something else to replace our Blackberries but it doesn’t work,” one unnamed official told the paper.

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[tags]Mobile Security, Blackberry, Cell Phone, French Government[/tags]

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