Goodness I hate the mornings. More work, less enjoyment.
I ended up having a longer than usual breakfast and generally just enjoying myself.
There was a meeting at 3pm EDT so I ended up missing the first three sessions as well as lunch in the hanger.
I watched the end of Adam Laurie’s “RFIDOTS – Practical RFID Hacking” — I’ve seen it before. Didn’t have new content. Sigh.
I’m now watching “Strength and Weaknesses of Access Control Systems” with Eric Schmiedl & Mike Spindel (a couple of MIT Students) – very engaging. They’ve actually done research, they’re cogent presenters and they’re distilling the information down to a level where it’s actually useful for predominately IT types.
I skipped the last session in order to go to the Riv (what a PIT) to pick up badges (one of my co-consirators didn’t want to wait in line) and bought some tshirtage and other junk.
The badge is cool.
Defcon will be cool.
I’m tired.
And getting old.
[tags]RFID, access control, physical security, whiny old man[/tags]