Here is an interesting article from CIO:
Data breaches happen all the time in industries ranging from retail to government. Protecting data is a key concern for CIOs, but there are a lot of misconceptions about data protection. Here we’ll debunk some of the myths and explain best practices for protecting data without impeding daily business operations.
Myth No. 1
Information leak prevention is the security administrator’s problem.
Securing companies from external threats such as viruses has long been in the security administrator’s realm, but securing the company from information leaks requires a much broader view. Today, the challenge of protecting sensitive data spans business units—from IT to the legal department to the boardroom. Every day, CIOs face the challenge of putting the necessary technologies and processes in place to protect confidential data and comply with federal regulations, but they have to accomplish this without impeding daily business operations.
Read on for the rest.
[tags]Data Security, Data Protection, Data Protection Myths[/tags]