Hmm. An interesting problem to tackle. It might actually be an article of interest had DISA not already tackled this issue a couple months ago.…
When the Patriot Act first showed up my jaw fell. I thought that was pretty Draconian at the time. Now, reading about this my fears…
That's right, we're giving away two BSides Las Vegas tickets. The top two donataions that are made to either: 1) A recognized Cancer charity or…
Includes 20 new exploits. Downloading now! From Rapid7 Site: It's been a long road to 4.0. The first 3.0 release was almost 5 years ago…
Wow. Somebody has some explaining to do. From BBC: Hackers are believed to have stolen phone numbers, email addresses, names and encrypted information about the…
As I'm wrapping up my slides for "Security When Nanoseconds Count" I was pointed to the David Letterman interview with Admiral Grace Hopper, during which…
It's that time again folks... Getting ready for Vegas and the inevitable issue of speakers and vendors who appear to have the main aim of…
The critical infrastructure folks in Italy suffered a security failure at the hands of the Anonymous crew. A cache of documents was purloined by the…
Slowly starting to wrap my head around things again. And now, the news... Cheers, Dave Click here to subscribe to Liquidmatrix Security Digest!. And now,…
Ah, yes. The Pwnie Award nominees for 2011 have been announced. No big surprise that SONY stands an excellent chance of taking some hardware home.…