I'm at a loss watching things like this latest legal gambit unfold. From Ars Technica: In May, American law enforcement officials opened up yet another…
It appears that a Slovenian version of F-Secure's website was compromised yesterday. There was word via social media sites that there were others but, we…
I am calling bullshit on this one. From The Guardian: The Lulzsec hacking group, which this week claimed to have obtained 4GB of emails taken…
So... I'm minding my own business this morning, reading Teh Titters... and I come across a retweet from my friend and all around mensch @jessehirsch.…
Interesting rant over on InfosecIsland -- I Am Certified - You Are Secured -- by J. Oquendo. Mustering up as much arrogance as I possibly…
Where do I begin. Thursday morning (July 14th) I was having breakfast with my daughter. I dropped her off at her daycare and then I…
It's been an interesting couple of weeks for Tiffany Rad and I as we've watched the story around the US Department of Justice and encryption…
SO.... Um, she's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who…
Well, not exactly. More of a declaration of war on the contractors and the beltway bandits. Having worked alongside some contract shops in the DC…
After a week off it's nice to get back to the office so I can relax. Wait, what? And now, the news... Cheers, Dave Click…