Shortly after news leaked out to the potential identity of Sabu, Lulzsec is shutting down operations. From pastebin: So with those last thoughts, it's time…
The identity for the apparent leader of Lulzsec may have been discovered. Sabu, may in fact be one Xavier Kaotico or Xavier de Leon. Hacker…
ORLY? The plot thickens. From thinq_: A lawsuit filed this week suggests that Sony sacked a bunch of employees from its network security division just…
Verrrrry interesting. The dominoes are starting to fall. I wonder how many countries are now working on this sort of legislation. From PSnews: New laws…
It has been an interesting and busy week in the news. I will be glad for the weekend, as we all will no doubt. And…
And the hits just keep on coming. This time, NATO had its website hacked/blocked(?). As with CIA this is little more than a bloodied nose…
The noose appears to be tightening on the merry band of miscreants. From The Telegraph: Agents seized servers run by DigitalOne, a web hosting company…
So, with the recent spate of hooligans hacking everything that isn't locked down (yes, pun intended) the inevitable has happened. Legislation is making its way…
Poke an angry bear and eventually there will be repercussions. At 19 years old, this person may have conceivably thrown his life away. Only time,…
The folks at Distribute.IT revealed today that several of their shared servers were hacked and the backup data could not be recovered. From SC Magazine…