This week the firm Intrepidus Group managed to deliver Palm a swift kick in the coconuts. As a result of performing some due diligence work…
Hey folks, it's that kind of week again... A nice upstanding Information Security Professionals' get together, followed by a bunch of hackers doing their thing.…
I'm back from the dead. At least that's how it feels. For the last 10 days I've been flat on my back thanks to pneumonia…
Today the senate introduced bill S.3253. Title: A bill to require reporting on certain information and communications technologies of foreign countries, to develop action plans…
This is a peculiar story. JC Penney apparently worked very hard to hide the fact that it had been compromised along with TJX and others…
Whoops. I fell asleep in front of my laptop. Hence this REALLY late edition. Have a great...well, the last few minutes of today anyway. cheers,…
Monday finds us back fighting the good fight. Time for some security sobriety once we're done suckling the snake oil? Hmm. Have a great day!…
Did you use to work for the Canadian Paliament in 2009? Well, you might have my T4 slip in your mail box. Big f'ing whoops.…
Here is an interesting one. Spaced apart by three weeks I had two readers send in the same picture of a digital sign at Futureshop.…
One of the problems that can be rather a pain in the arse when running a blog site are the spam comments. Spammers, loathsome little…