Everybody had high expectations for this year's Pwn2Own but I think I speak for more than just myself in saying that today blew me away.…
It's March 24 and that makes this Lady Ada Day - a day to celebrate women in computing and the incredible contributions they've made (despite…
Interesting article on side channel attacks. From Freedom To Tinker: Popular online applications may leak your private data to a network eavesdropper, even if you're…
Knee deep in a new project this week (pleasantly so) and I inadvertently forgot to post the news yesterday and almost today. Also, I managed…
Corporate email server is giving me attitude. But, the Blackberry is getting email without an issue. It must be Friday. What's that? It is? Capital.…
Some presents just aren't the kind you want. You buy a new product get it home only to find it's busted. PNC Financial Services Group…
Wow. The bullshit detector has been way up the dial this week. So, when I read this article today I was floored. Apparently California lawmakers…
There are good ideas and there are bad ideas. Then, there are the very bad ideas. From USA Today: Prisons in eight states let convicts…
Intel raised the bar in the processing game when this Tuesday they announced the release of the first 32nm processors. The big selling point here,…
While I've been working on Liquidmatrix now since around '98 there have been amusing moments along the way. This morning I was struck with this…