Bad day. Fuck it. cheers, Dave Click here to subscribe to Liquidmatrix Security Digest!. And now, the news... Cyberwar test shows US vulnerable to attack…
I for one was annoyed when Facebook changed their privacy settings recently. I'm an occasional user of FB and I found it troublesome. I spent…
Back on the rock pile. Short week but, it will put me through the grinder. Looking forward to RSA in a couple weeks. cheers, Dave…
Got the skills? Need to make the rent? From DV Labs: The TippingPoint Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) is proud to announce that the annual Pwn2Own…
Heading to Boston for SOURCE this April? Well, as soon as SOURCE wraps then Security BSides Boston spins up. BSides will run over the weekend…
Monday and I'm playing Mr Mom today. A day off here in Ontario. A good day to you all. cheers, Dave Click here to subscribe…
This is the second time in recent memory where a bank has put the burden of proof on the victim. From CBS MoneyWatch: It’s every…
A busy week that went all the way from crapitude to 11. Weird. cheers, Dave Click here to subscribe to Liquidmatrix Security Digest!. And now,…
Hi Folks, Here is this weeks round up of jobs that we had sent in to us (tips SHIFT2 liquidmatrix DOT org). As with any…
There are few things that annoy me than when a vendor bends the truth to try and sell product. Here is part of an email…