An interesting patent award for Cenzic. Does anyone at the PTO do any research at all? Or is the rubber stamp swinging wildly on the end of a Rube Goldberg machine?


“the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) has issued the company U.S. Patent No. 7,185,232, focused on fault injection technology, which is commonly used by most security assessment scanners.” – Cenzic

Cenzic is not the first application security scanner for starters so there is plenty of prior art already out there. I’m not sure how they are going to enforce their patent exactly. Reading further along

“We are very pleased to receive this patent, which protects Cenzic’s role as the only company that has patents on Fault Injection, a key component of all application security testing solutions. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll be looking at other vendors in this space to understand the implications of this patent vis-à-vis the methodology used by these other players.”

I wish cenzic luck in trying to bully errr identify the implications of other vendors. If any vendor here is reading this be sure to check out Web bandit written by Global Hell Circa 1998. I don’t recall the link but it is available online somewhere. Here is an abstract of the patent.

Read the full post.

Article Link

For Cenzic’s press release click here

[tags]Cenzic Patent, Fault Injection, WTF?[/tags]


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