OK, the silence on the SecureClient for Leopard thawed out a little on Friday. A representative from Check Point managed to respond to all of the users clamouring for a VPN client that works.
From the forum message board by Robert Hughes:
Re: VPN-1 SecureClient and OS X Leopard
Posted: Nov 16, 2007 10:51 PM in response to: chwh…All,
The most recent information I have is that the EA is scheduled to start around the end of this month. You can sign up for EA participation at http://www.checkpoint.com/eap/ once the program starts. You can also use the link to email the EA team for possible inclusion. I don’t know how many participants will be chosen, so just signing up is not a guarantee of inclusion.
The crux of the email is that the testing phase for the Leopard SecureClient begins “around” the end of November. Nothing like staying on the cutting edge.
So, we wait…yup, still waiting…
[tags]Check Point SecureClient Leopard, Leopard SecureClient, Check Point VPN Leopard[/tags]