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CNN Gets A Dumbass Award

Steve Hargreaves gets a Dumbass award from us here at the Digest. This article was originally entitled ““Mac Attacks Rare but Rising”. This piece spends a good amount of verbage describing the virus payload on some ipods as being indicative of a rise in attacks against Apple products.

Now, I should point out that this halfwit described the virus “RavMonE.exe” but, in the original posting, failed to mention that this virus would only effect Windows computers. The article, now entitled “Security analysts: Mac attacks rare but may rise”, has since been corrected to read “which targeted iPods used with Microsoft Windows-based computers.”

I find this type of reporting amusing/annoying. Steve Hargreaves may be a seasoned writer or someone fresh out of hack journo school. I have no idea. That’s because we don’t get paid here at the Digest and we do not have any FACT CHECKERS. I would imagine that CNN has a couple lying around. This kind of FUD is really tiresome. Mac, Windows, Unix and Linux systems all have their strengths and respective weaknesses. But, it is rather irresponsible for CNN to characterize this malware on ipods as an attack on Mac systems. Malware will rise for Macs certainly as their market share grows. Until that time keep the FUD in check people.

Article Link

[tags]Mac, RavMonE.exe, iPod Malware, Malware, Virus, Computer Security[/tags]

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