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Diffie Keynote At S4 SCADA Conference

Very cool. I wish that I could be in attendance at the S4 conference coming up this month in Florida. Sadly, there are only so many hours in the day so, I will not be able to attend. It’s a crying shame too as this conference is set up to specfically keep out the salesmen. God bless them for that. This conference is a must attend for anyone involved in SCADA security (that can actually make it).

A very cool addition to the schedule is a keynote delivered by none other than Dr. Whitfield Diffie.

Dr. Whitfield Diffie will give the keynote address at S4, January 24 – 25. Even better, Whit will participate in S4 so all physical attendees will have an opportunity to talk over crypto and SCADA security issues with one of the legends in the crypto world. Don’t be surprised if he asks you a lot of questions – – he is very inquisitive and conversations often spin off into other directions and lead to new ideas.

Sigh, wish I could be there. Well, I won’t miss next years at any rate.

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[tags]S4, SCADA, SCADA Security, Whitfield Diffie, Security Conference[/tags]

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