The FBI has managed to crack open a massive botnet ring. The ring which was discovered recently was comprised of roughly 1 million infected machines.

“The majority of victims are not even aware that their computer has been compromised or their personal information exploited,” said James Finch, assistant director of the FBI’s Cyber Division.

“An attacker gains control by infecting the computer with a virus or other malicious code, and the computer continues to operate normally. Citizens can protect themselves from botnets and the associated schemes by practicing strong computer security habits.”

The FBI is attempting to contact the owners of the 1 million plus machines. Lord, I hope someone is planning to sign off on that overtime. The operation was code named “Operation Bot Roast”.

Someone shoot the operation naming guy.

Read on.

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[tags]Botnets, FBI, Operation Bot Roast, Bots, Hackers[/tags]

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