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Gruber On iPhone And Exchange

(insert deity) bless John Gruber.

Here is an excerpt from his post today.

Self-important IT experts will continue to insist that the iPhone “must” or “needs to” support “integration with business software systems”, but in the meantime, their employees will be buying iPhones on their own. Make no mistake, when IT blowhards dismiss the iPhone because it doesn’t integrate with “business software systems”, what they mean is Exchange. Apple’s answer to the “enterprise problem” isn’t to kowtow to the Microsoft Exchange hegemony; it’s to point in the opposite direction, and show how much better things can be with open industry protocols like IMAP and CalDAV and with simple web-based solutions.


More often than not I’m hearing about employees at various firms (mostly sales folks) buying their own mobile devices to keep up with the Joneses. These folks tend to be road warriors that have no problem with loading various software such as Skype, Limewire et cetera onto their laptops as well. Bearing this in mind iPhones will enter the playing field shortly. Rather than create bullshit rationale to disparage the iPhone it would make more sense to prepare for the inevitable rather than rail against it.

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