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Half A Mil To Make The World Happier

A security company named Clear has thrown down the gauntlet and I (along with many others) really hopes that someone picks it up. Why? The challenge is simple. Make security checks at airports easier. For that, you can pocket yourself a cool half million.

Here are the criteria:

* Achieves acceptance by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for deployment at Clear lanes as providing the same or better security than the current Registered Traveler checkpoint process.

* Reduces inconvenience by, for example, allowing for no divesting of shoes, outer garments, or any other item approved for carry-on aboard a US commercial flight, and thereby achieves an increase in throughput of 15% or more.

* Is compact enough to be deployed at security checkpoints in at least three Clear airports.

* Can be operated at a cost (including capital costs amortized over five years) of less than 25 cents per passenger screened when working at full capacity.

Read on and good luck.

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[tags]Airport Security, Airline Security, Half Million, Prize Money[/tags]

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