We are starting to see a complaint from law enforcement that will only grow as time goes on. Interpol and others are short on funds and people in order to fight the rising tide of crime on the interweb.
“The problem is that these [governments] put up computer crime units and feel that is enough. They do not see changes in technology or the need for updates.”
This mirrors the private sector. Many C-level execs are either out of touch or just prefer to stick their fingers in their ears and yell “LALALALALA” as they run in the opposite direction. Bernhard Otupal of Interpol said,
“[Criminals] don’t need more money because they have stolen credit cards. There are not enough trained people [in the police] who know how to deal with the internet and find information. It would have to be a common effort with private industry – the problem is that law enforcement is not allowed to partner private industry.”
While I can understand the desire to partner with private industry I would worry that this would blur the edges far too much.