Well, today is the day. The L0phtcrack site has gone live. At least one reader had an interesting moment when he tried to download the software.
From @andrewsmhay
wow….eSafe certainly doesn’t like the d/l – “Infected with Win32.Infostealer.ga (Non-Removable), Whole File Blocked”
Oops. [UPDATE: It was a hyperactive antivirus program that didn’t know any better]
As to the product launch itself:
The code and L0phtCrack name have taken a long strange trip from proof of concept code for a vulnerability in 1997 to a commercial application funding the L0pht’s security research to being sold as a product by the security consulting company @stake and then by the largest security software company in the world, Symantec. Now it is back in the hands of the original authors from the L0pht who are giving it the care and feeding it deserves.
Watch the video.
There is no trojan in the downloader. That is hyperactive false positives from the AV software you are using. There is absolutely nothing malicious in L0phtCrack installer.
I had to turn off Trend Micro just to access http://www.l0phtcrack.com. Huh?