Episode 0x7B


Five down, we should probably do some more. It seems like people enjoy these things. Or at least our subscribers say so. Why don’t you tell your friends!

Upcoming this week…

  1. Lots of News
  2. Breaches
  3. SCADA / Cyber, cyber… etc.
  4. finishing it off with DERPs/Mailbag (or Deep Dive)
  5. And there are weekly Briefs – no arguing or discussion allowed

And if you’ve got commentary, please sent it to mailbag@liquidmatrix.org for us to check out.

DISCLAIMER: It’s not that explicit, but you may want to use headphones if you’re at work.

ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: In case it is unclear, this is the story of 5 opinionated infosec pros who have sufficient opinions of their own they don’t need to speak for anyone except themselves. Ok? Good.

In this episode:

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Creative Commons license: BY-NC-SA

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