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Lofty Perch Wins INL Award

We read about the sensationalism of SCADA security like the video of hackers destroying equipment, the CIA admission that hackers blacked out foreign cities or the plot lines of movies like “Live Free or Die Hard“. But, behind all of the theatre there is truth. There are folks that are working their butts off to protect the critical infrastructure and one such company is Lofty Perch Inc. who recently won and award for their work.

From their press release:

Lofty Perch, Inc. ( today announced that Senior Security Engineer Ed Gorski is the recipient of an Idaho National Laboratory (INL) Software Development Award. The award was given to Mr. Gorski for outstanding leadership and technical achievement regarding the Control Systems Cyber Security Self Assessment Toolkit (CS2SAT). The tool, developed to assist SCADA and Process Control System users in shaping their cyber security posture, has recently been made available to the general user community through ISA and soon available through other entities. “We are thrilled that INL and the SCADA/PCS cyber security development community recognize Ed’s tremendous contribution.” said President and CEO Mark Fabro. “Lofty Perch has a rich history with the CS2SAT, and this award continues to showcase our leadership in the industrial cyber security domain.”

About Lofty Perch:

Lofty Perch is a global leader in providing cyber security services and technology for mission critical information architectures. With a core focus on SCADA and Process Control environments, Lofty Perch leverages scientific expertise, security engineering leadership, and rich practical experience to develop solutions to meet the challenges associated with critical infrastructure protection (CIP). As a recognized leader in the control systems security domain, Lofty Perch works with key organizations such as the Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and the DHS Control Systems Security Program, doing cyber security assessments, training, and developing recommended practices for industry. Lofty Perch Inc. is a privately held company founded in 2005 and maintains offices throughout the United States and Canada.

Congrats Ed!

Article Link (.pdf)

[tags]SCADA Security, SCADA, Critical Infrastructure, INL, SCADA/PCS, Lofty Perch[/tags]

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