The Viruslist has a handy how to for analyzing security on Mac OS X.

A year ago, Apple computer users were mostly design and DTP professionals, photographers and musicians. Last year, however, was a breakthrough year for the Mac in many ways. After Apple announced plans to manufacture computers with Intel processors, many began to look into Apple computers and consider them for home use. Software developers also noticed the growing popularity of Mac OS X and began to sell their own products for the new platform.

Nevertheless, Mac OS X is still poorly understood and a bit of a mystery both for users as well as IT security experts. This article aims to help readers better understand the features of Mac OS X which are critical when researching malicious programs designed for this operating system.


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[tags]Viruslist, Mac OS X Security, Mac OS X Tools[/tags]


  1. “A year ago, Apple computer users were mostly design and DTP professionals, photographers and musicians.”

    Um, no. Two years ago, I sat in a room with two CISO of Fortune 100 F.I.’s, a guy who is a “entrepreneur coach”, 2 guys who did Pen Testing on Nukes for DOE and an indy InfoSec consultant who used to have a pretty big role in CERT.

    We all had macs.

    I think Infosec experts understand UNIX pretty well, thanks.

  2. Yeah, I know – but that statement just ruined any credibility the article had for me. It’s very “last century” perception of Mac users, isn’t it?

  3. @Alex

    Very much so. When I attended Black Hat last year, for instance, almost every presenter had a Mac. Ah ha, a clue!


    Statement aside, from the perspective of someone who might be new to infosec this would be a good article for them to read.

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