I found this article as I was stumbling around the void that is the internet. Back on April 17th “Does open source encourage rootkits?” was published on Network World. The core of this article is that McAfee believes that rootkits are a direct result of the open source community. You have got to be kidding me with this garbage.
“The predominant reason for the growth in use of stealthy code is because of sites like Rootkit.com,” says Stuart McClure, senior vice president of global threats at McAfee
The website he was referring to discusses code for rootkits. Now, if I was a ill intentioned bad guy I would not be posting my source code on a publicly available website. I’d be certain to keep it to myself. The assertion that this helps in the spread of rootkits is absurd. The same website can be used to help educate users and even anti virus companies. Lord knows that McAfee could use some help explaining the difference between Microsoft Excel and Adore rootkit.
[tags]McAfee, Rootkits, Malware, Open Source, Stuart McClure[/tags]