An interesting story on Vista anti piracy. Although, I’m not entirely sure how this will stop a bootlegger. Sure the media won’t look extact but then, would they really care when selling illegal copies?

The three faces embedded in the surface of Windows Vista’s installation DVDs may have been too small to see with the naked eye, but they’re no big mystery, Microsoft Corp. said late last night.

First spotted by a Spanish-speaking blogger identified as Kwisatz, the photograph showing three men is tucked into one of the holograms on the surface of Vista DVDs. But at just one millimeter in size, it’s too small to see without magnification.

Conspiratorial tongues began wagging almost immediately. “I got word from someone on the inside that they are running a query inside Microsoft, that e-mails are flying around trying to figure out who put the picture in there,” wrote blogger Nathan Weinberg on InsideMicrosoft. “That pretty much means this wasn’t known until now, this wasn’t approved, and there’s some level of concern internally.”

Others, including Paul McNamara of Computerworld sister publication Network World, figured it was an Easter egg, the term for hidden — and usually funny — bits tucked into software. Or people just wondered exactly what was going on. “There’s a picture of three guys hidden on the Vista DVD. Who the hell are these people, and why are they on Vista?” asked blogger “otozh” on Windows Vista Videos.

Read on.

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[tags]Faces on Vista, Anti Piracy[/tags]

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