The awesome continues at Notacon!
Several things to discuss:
- The facilities are awesome. I know that it’s convenient to make fun of Cleveland, but damn. It’s pretty, it’s VERY well kept, and has lots of charm to go with the character. Yes, it’s a rust-belt city, but I live in a rust-belt city and we need to take care of our own. The hotel is fabulous. In all honesty, it’s in significantly better condition than Caesar’s Palace was last summer in Vegas. Yes, it was recently remodeled, but they did it right.
- Quality of talks has been absolutely world class. I caught Michele Martaus talking about “‘Pilates’ for Common Cubicle Injuries”, jumped into Jason Scott giving us a history lesson in “Super Jason Scott Presentation 64” and then carnal0wnage and g0ne with “Attacking Layer 8: Client Side Penetration Testing”. Each one of the talks has given me at least three thoughts to take away.I followed the rules and didn’t photograph any speakers.
- The totally awesome “Smart Chair” in the room we’re in… a comfy leather chair, with proper lumbar support and movable lap-desk wings and a power jack in the front of the arm. It seems to be made entirely of win.
[tags]cleveland, cleveland rocks, wyndham hotels, smart chair, notacon, Jason Scott, carnal0wnage, g0ne, Michele Martaus[/tags]