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Obama Campaign Hopes for Better Web Security

Looking for a new security job with a helluva challenge? Know LAMP? Then the Obama campaign wants you.

From PC World:

Two months after their Web site was hacked, the organizers of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign are looking for a network security expert to help lock down their Web site.

“Obama for America is looking for a network security expert who wants to play a key role in a historic political campaign,” reads the ad, posted to the Web site.

The requirements are pretty much what you’d read in any e-commerce security help-wanted ad: VPN (virtual private network) and Unix or Linux experience, along with a “deep understanding” of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and Perl) development. And of course, the successful candidate must be willing to “respond off-hours to high urgency security situations.”

Successful candidates will join Obama’s Boston team and should expect to find a new job come November.

So, find a new job in November cause its thanks for the memories? Or you can join the White House crew? So, if you can run on no sleep and you bleed caffeine then you might be a right fit.

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