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OFF TOPIC: Bush Soft On Crime

In what can only be seen as a slap in the face to the men and women of the CIA, Bush clears Libby. Well, in part. “Scooter” will not have to do prison time. This at a time where Cheney is apparently showing signs of departing from common sense by claiming to be separate from the executive branch of goverment.

Um, OK…somebody get Dick a pair of safety scissors.

A commutation is distinct from a pardon, which is a complete eradication of a conviction record — making it the same as if the person has never been convicted.

Bush has only commuted the jail term which means that the conviction remains on Libby’s record and he must still pay a $250,000 fine.

Commutations are rarely granted, says CNN’s chief legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin. A commutation is a total right of the president and it cannot be challenged by any attorney or court, he said.

Earlier Monday, a federal appeals court unanimously ruled that Libby could not delay serving his sentence, which would have put Libby just weeks away from surrendering to a prison.

In a written statement commuting the jail sentence, issued hours after Monday’s ruling, Bush called the sentence “excessive,” and suggested that Libby will pay a big enough price for his conviction.

“The consequences of his felony conviction on his former life as a lawyer, public servant, and private citizen will be long-lasting,” he said.

30 months too excessive for lying to investigators? They were ready to impeach Clinton for less. I’m beside myself with this travesty. This is just to much to ignore.

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