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Oracle wants to rein in database admins

Thank the flippin (deity)! I am sick and tired of having to deal with sanctimonious database admins that think the sun shines out their ass. Oracle, not always the enlightened beast, wants to introduce a good thing. Further to the vein from some of my recent posts they want to limit the insider threat. This time it has to deal with limiting the power of the database admins. Why is this a good thing? Well, what is the most valuable asset that a company has in this day and age? Say it with me…DATA. Now in order to manage the insider threats and regulatory compliance Oracle wants to limit DBs by putting access restrictions with a new product, Database Vault.

“We’re taking away the keys to the kingdom from these guys,” White said. “You want to be able to give them access to information they need to do their job, but you don’t want to give them more than they need.”

This product will be an add-on to the Enterprise Edition of Oracle Database. As usual it will not be cheap. Roughly 20K per processor. This will be compatible with version 10g R2. Great idea.

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[tags]Oracle, Database Admins, Compliance[/tags]

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