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PCs To Developing World ‘Fuel Malware’

Sometimes being charitable can turn around and bite you in the backside. A perfect example of this is the charity programs that are sending cheap PCs to third world countries which could have unforseen consequences.

“A particular cause for concern is programs which advocate ‘cheap computers for poor third world countries’,” Kaspersky writes. “These further encourage criminal activity on the internet. Statistics on the number of malicious programs originating from specific countries confirm this: the world leader in virus writing is China, followed by Latin America, with Russia and Eastern European countries not far behind.”

An interesting aspect to this form of charitable giving. Not sure that I completely agree with these statements as the vast majority of malware comes from developed countries.

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[tags]Malware, Virus, Spyware, Charity, Kaspersky, Cheap PCs[/tags]

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