Here are some random pics from the conference. I have to admit that I think I need a new camera. Most of the others are blurred. So, this is the best of a crappy bunch.


The escalator to the show floor.

More pics after the break…


Microsoft came to play in a big way. Websense was there in a similar fashion with leather sofas and a keg of beer (bless them for that). Now if only Microsoft could get the game on that screen. We could be on to something.


Quite a good turn out from the vendors. The only company that I even noticed who was absent was Sophos. Not sure where they got to. In their defense their local office has only been open for less than 2 months.

I did see a demo from the CORE Security folks. Their CORE Impact product is very nice looking. The entire app is written in python which lends itself nicely to customization. They were good enough to show me some exploit files and it was so well laid out a novice could figure out how to customize it. Very nice app guys.

I’ll post the keynote wrap up tomorrow as well as my quick chat with Dr. Richard Reiner.

[tags]Inforsecurity Canada, Security Conference, Pics From Infosecurity Canada[/tags]


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