
In the media there is an old adage that goes “if it bleeds it leads”. I was rather amused to see press types wander around asking anyone who looked like a member or “Good Charlotte” if they had a zero day. But, they were not looking for just any exploit…one press reporter in particular asked blatantly of several “hackers” (read too much peroxide and numerous piercings) if they had or heard about any zero days for Mac.

Rather specific no?

I saw this same reporter/photog later asking someone else if they heard about any Apple exploits. It struck me that this guy was of a single mind. Was he hoping for a redux of the CanSecWest incident? Or did he have an axe to grind for Apple?


The humourous part was that the first group of folks that the reporter asked about exploits I first noticed were from McAfee. How did I know that the “f*ck you, I won’t clean up my bedroom” (a la Rage Against the Machine) crew was from McAfee? I have to laugh as they were reading internal company emails in full view of anyone, yes us as well. I’m sure Myrcurial will write more about this himself.

[tags]Press at Black Hat, Apple Exploits, Apple Witch Hunt[/tags]


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