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Schneier On Information Security

Bruce Schneier has posted an essay dealing with the costs involved with Information Security.

Information insecurity is costing us billions. There are many different ways in which we pay for information insecurity. We pay for it in theft, such as information theft, financial theft and theft of service. We pay for it in productivity loss, both when networks stop functioning and in the dozens of minor security inconveniences we all have to endure on a daily basis. We pay for it when we have to buy security products and services to reduce those other two losses. We pay for the lack of security, year after year.

Bruce takes a swipe at insecure software. Which, let’s face it, is the bane of a security wonks existence.

An interesting piece. Check out the full text.

Article Link

[tags]Bruce Schneier, Cost of Security, Insecure Code[/tags]

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