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SecTor 2007 – Registration

Hello Everyone,

I’d just like to take this opportunity to tell you how thrilled I am to be back in the swing of things. The comments and well wishes from Friday’s column are appreciated.

In actual Information Security news, I bring you the first shots of the Registration package from Sec Tor 2007.

Please click for more pictures and pithy commentary!

The SecTor2007 folks took the phrase ShwagBag literally and have included a cooler style lunch box as the “duffel” for this one. It’s pretty close to “good” — certainly better than the iffy carry sack that was the “bag” for BlackHat2007. Upsides – not another crappy duffel. Downsides – Do I really need this much lunch?

Inside the ShwagBag, you’ll find a bunch of papers. I’ve left out the shots of the generic ones and given you only the highlights. Hint to vendors: I’ve seen your marketing slicks, give me something that lets me know you’re targeting me at this event.

Lofty Perch has included something genuinely useful. This is a standard ID badge sized laminated plastic card that has the contact info for the Incident Response Centres for Canada and the US on one side and a well written CSIRT process on the other side. The only person at Lofty Perch I know is Mark Fabro (Hey Mark – we met at SANS SCADA listening to Joe talk about flooding out Scouts – and now there’s another person who can positively identify me :\ ) whether it was him or one of the other people there who came up with this one… very well done. Please send these things by the thousands to all of the critical infrastructure places you can think of.

The only piece of marketing material in the package that was targeted to this show was from Cryptocard. Attached to the carrier sheet is an actual ISO spec smart card. I haven’t pulled out the smart-card reader to have a look at the content of the card – I’m saving that as a commute time treat tomorrow morning.

The SecTor2007 Handbook seems to be channeling Jeff Moss. I won’t say that there is infringement, I’m going to call it “homage”. If you were in Vegas in August, you’ll have no problem finding what you need in this book. I wonder if the wifi is going to be as indestructible as the Aruba stuff has proven to be in the desert.

Very briefly on the “what’s missing”.

There’s no sticker.

I kid you not. There is no sticker!!!!

How am I supposed to gussy up my laptop with proof of where I’ve been if there’s no sticker!

As the entire security community should know, I’m currently amassing stickers for my (soon to be available) Apple MacBook Mini Touch Pro. Where’s the sticker love?

That sums it up for now. I’ll be posting throughout the day tomorrow (and twittering heavily) with a slower pace of posting on Wednesday due to unavoidable work meetings and a follow up after the show.

If you’re in the keynote tomorrow morning (Dr. Reiner from TELUS Security is going to tell us what sucks about the infosec “profession”) and you recognize me, come visit. I don’t have any shwag, but I do love to meet with my fans. 🙂

Stay tuned!

[tags]sector2007, sec tor 2007, infosec canada, shwag bag, security conference, cryptocard, lofty perch, mark fabro, toronto, richard reiner[/tags]

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