This week was a wild ride. The culmination of a great deal of work from a diligent group came to a head with the second annual SecTor conference. Based on the feedback that I got from attendees, it rawked.

The morning crowd was quite something on day one for the sessions. I have to tell you I was quite pleased with the turnout. I should note that due to my limited time this year I was only able to snap a few pics. James had the camera clicking away so I would imagine that we’ll see some postings from him.

I was pleased to sport my “staff” badge for the limited time I was actually able to attend this year. Sadly, I did not, er, plan well for the conference from a personal perspective. Next year I’ll make sure that I book them time off.

The lunch hour panel session was an interesting affair. Chris Hoff set the tone of the panel and fell on his sword as the token American in the process. I was very happy to see him showing off the tats and jeans. The number of suits on the stage was a little disconcerting. But, what are you gonna do?

I’m really pleased with the feedback that I’ve received from speakers and attendees alike. I’m sorry that I didn’t get to meet a bunch of people that were there. But, glad to everyone who made it out. I’m hoping that I’ll be able to continue with Sector to help it grow for next year. Oh yeah, and book the damn time off.

As if I wasn’t run ragged enough already, I managed to squeeze in a gig with the boys last Saturday night at the Pilot in Toronto.

And miles to go…

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