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Sector Conference Day Two

Today had a rocky start for me to be certain. The joy of not having a proper mobile solution for my day job. Sadly, there is dick all that I can do to fix that problem for the time being.

The first session that I managed to catch this morning was Dan Kaminsky’s talk entitled, “DNS Rebinding Attacks”. I had missed his presentation at Defcon this year due to a SCADA presentation that I couldn’t miss (but, wish that I did). The joy of it being a fledgling conference you had a nice intimate setting to watch all of the presenters. Dan’s was great. I especially enjoyed watching as he used a web browser as a proxy for an SSH connection. Creepy implications there. Of course the same guy that tried to square off with Joanna yesterday started in on Dan about the “infallible” nature of DNSSEC. Kaminsky made short work of him as well.

The highlight of the conference for me was the thoroughly entertaining presentation from Johnny Long entitled “Hacking Hollywood”. He took a moment at the beginning to talk about his charitable works such as setting up computer networks in Uganda. As well he introduced the Toronto audience to another project of his called I Hack Charities dot org.

Check it out.

Johnny does a lot of good work and we could all learn a thing or two from his selflessness. As for the presentation, I would not do it justice by talking about it here. It’s a must see. I caught it at Defcon but, for some reason it seemed a lot funnier this time. Sorry about the picture quality. My Motorola RAZR camera is complete crap.

Ah, yes, the obligatory poser shot. I was bored riding the train home and feeling like a drowned rat. What can I say? It has been pouring rain here all day.

So, the real question. Would I recommend this conference for anyone next year?

Damn straight.

For an inaugural kick off it was a great success.

[tags]Sector, Sector Security Conference, Security Conferences, Johnny Long, Dan Kaminsky[/tags]

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